(+256) 414 – 671 – 607

To our Community and Partners,
At Lanterns Microfinance Limited, we are not staying still. We are experiencing
extraordinary growth in all products and services we offer to our valued
customers. We are excited about our future and plan to introduce more products
and services supported by digital technology.
Lanterns Microfinance is operating under Tier 4 as a Non-Deposit taking
Microfinance Institution with License No. MF00503.
At Lanterns Microfinance Ltd we partner with difference Agencies both
government and Non-governmental organisation to enable us meet our set goals
and objective.
COVID -19 Pandemic continues to endanger health and economic prospects of
the globe with the most vulnerable populations in developing countries being
affected the most. Informal workers, farmers and micro entrepreneurs are badly
affected and are under severe financial stress brought about by the social
distancing and the lockdowns measures taken to control and contain the outbreak
and lower the spread. While poor people are resilient, many depend on
microfinance services, including basic savings accounts, small loans, and
remittances.Lanterns Microfinance services afford clients a margin of flexibility to cope with
emergencies when publicly funded safety nets fall short.
Transparency, Innovation and Integrity are some of the values we uphold to
improve customer experience, and add value to their businesses.
We therefore, extend our heartfelt gratitude to our valued customers who continue
to choose us and to all our partners that have made us to come this far.
Also am very much grateful to all our staff, Management, and the Board of
directors for their tireless effort in driving Lanterns Microfinance Limited to
become the Microfinance of choice for all who aspire to a life of dignity and
purpose, we are building a microfinance of the future, and the future begins here!