(+256) 414 – 671 – 607

As told by Mr. OGWETA SAMUEL a Fisherman at Lalle landing Site and a member of MAK KI TEKO GROUP, Obar Village, Lalle Parish, Kamuda sub-county, Soroti District;

‘’I started fishing with a fishing hook, string and worm to attract them, so I could only collect a few fish. Later when I heard of LANTERNS MICROFINANCE LTD, a lending institution which provide loan to the Rural Groups under VSLA who have no access to the banking services; I joined MAK KI TEKO GROUP and I borrowed business loan and I bought now fishing net and a small boat, this has increased on the amount of fish caught and also has made it a bit easier. I go fishing late in the evening and come back to the shore the next morning and I sell the fish in the market. On good days such as independent, the income is high up to UGX 700,000 or even more than that, my earnings is sufficient to cater for my daily needs and also enabled me to pay school fees for my children and make the repayment as am required to pay by the Loan committees of LANTERNS MICROFINANCE LIMITED’’.