(+256) 414 – 671 – 607

As told by Mrs. Nabwire Angela Esther, a Shopkeeper at Pamba Cell, Soroti Municipality;

‘’I used not to have challenge in finances to run my small business store; but I started realizing financial shortages after when my former landlord told me abruptly to leave his house because he wanted to renovate the house ; I decided to look for a house which was incomplete with this current landlord of mine, we negotiated and he allowed me to complete the house then he would calculates it on the cost of my rent; So I completed the house and I fitted the door as well; the work had consumed much of my finances which I would have used for running the business; my stock had reduced so greatly by then; but after hearing from some of my co-licks that there is a lending institution called LANTERNS MICROFINANCE ltd which provides financial support to local business communities and rural poor who do not have access to the commercial banking institutions and they work with groups and individuals; I took my time and decided to join a group call ASIANUT WOMENS GROUP located at Pamba Cell Soroti Municipality. We contacted the Loan Officer who then trained us on their loan lending procedures, Business management skills and advantages and disadvantages of Loans, we then decided as Asianut group to apply for loan; I among other members within the group applied for business loan and our application was approved and the loan disbursed to us i.e. 2,000,000 (two million shilling only). Now I have a well-stocked store and I am able to meet my customers’ needs and my sales has also increased and the business is running smoothly; besides that I am able to meet my daily needs and repay the loan in time as I am required by the Organization.